I don’t know about you but I’ve always been a lifelong learner, because I believe if I continue to grow, I can inspire and help others grow, too!
Anyway, recently I participated in a multi-day, deep-dive mastermind with other thought leaders from around the world, where the theme was all about expansion and expanding!
Think of it as being all about becoming a greater and better version of ourselves.
Over the last couple of years, unavoidable circumstances have resulted in most of us being constricted and restricted physically, mentally, and even emotionally in our relationships, jobs, and in many cases, in life itself.
Many of my recent conversations have been filled with those who feel subconsciously stuck waiting for the official green light to “get back on track” in life.
The topic of expanding seems to be the perfect reminder to jumpstart things, so I hope it is the trigger that will help you to start shifting things from the inside out, too.
Here are some insights to help you expand your possibilities.
Get Gritty With It
If we’re going to expand, then we need to get deep and dirty and realize it requires grit and a growth mindset. It’s about having the courage to get under the hood and do the necessary inner work to shift the dial. I love Byron Katie’s – “The Work” in this area.
Often driving growth takes pushing through the uncomfortable barriers that continue to get in the way and hold us back.
Most times we are looking for the confidence to take the first step – but in fact, it’s having grit and courage that precedes confidence.
Remember, as someone once told me…“Start with courage and the confidence will follow.”
Have a Game Plan
Once you know you’re ready to embrace the mindset of expanding, it’s time for a game plan. So what’s yours and what help do you need to execute the plan?
Getting stuck in a loop of thinking and overthinking is not going to get you very far – in fact, “YOU” will likely be the one to get in your own way if you don’t have someone who is going to get in your face when the going gets tough (and you know it will).
Get Up and Go
Staying paralyzed with fear will end up draining your energy.
Taking inspired action will help you shift from where you are to where you want to be.
Remember, the more positively you expand, the greater the effect you will have on others surrounding you.
I realize so many of us have lost the momentum, energy and enthusiasm for who we are and what we do – so consider this moment (yes, right here and now) to be the perfect time to start shifting directions.
Expand your possibilities and keep your flame burning!