I absolutely love Atlanta! Originally born and raised in the UK, Atlanta has been my home for the last 20 years. TWENTY YEARS? Yes, I know, I can’t belie...
Smart Women Do Burn Out
As smart women, we have so much going on in our lives. Hello! – career, business, family, dinner, chores, soccer practice, getting snacks for soccer prac...
Healing Emotionally With Movement
Recently, I shared my story of how I went from being on the verge of burnout in my corporate career to discovering my fulfilling purpose where I help women...
Create the Life You Want in 3 Practical Steps
Where do you live? No, I don’t mean where do you physically live? I mean are you living in the past, the present, or the future? There is an ancient Chin...
Mindset Tricks of Successful Entrepreneurs
Want to know what sets the uber-successful apart from the wannabe entrepreneurs? It’s not money, or brilliant ideas, or even powerful friends. All of tho...
Making the Most of Your Time: 5 Productivity Tips for Successful Women
It’s not enough to dream of success. It’s not even enough to set goals. The only way to truly achieve your dreams and build the business you’re meant...
More Important Than Money: Why You Really Do What You Do
What do super-successful professional women and small business owners all have in common? It’s not experience. It’s not extraordinary skills. It’s no...