Kafi London

Women Rising together

Can you feel the buzz in the air? We’re gearing up to celebrate International Women’s Day, and I’m psyched! It’s the perfect day t...


From Tired to Inspired

Let’s discuss a topic we can all relate to – feeling tired versus feeling inspired. It’s been about three years since I last hit the danc...


The magic of spark-ability

Recently, I wrote about feeling tapped out and the need to slow down as we struggle with the demands of our ultra-high-speed lives. We have become experts ...


Feeling tapped out?

Imagine it’s the beginning of the day, you have the whole workday ahead of you yet you already feel mentally, physically, and emotionally exhausted.You k...


The Energy effect

In life and work, it’s often said that energy is contagious. And I believe this to be true!When we’re around people who are excited and passion...


Are you leaking energy?

Do you find yourself running on empty more often than not? Are you struggling to keep up with the demands of your job and your personal life? If so, you co...


Give the world more!

I am part of a 50+ person group text thread and I was being celebrated for hitting a professional goal that I have been working on for more than a year. He...


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